Gezonde Boel
Gezondeboel aims to make care accessible to everyone by offering an online e-Health platform that combines programs, apps, and questionnaires. Gezonde Boel provides both English and Dutch programs that can help you improve yourself.
- Dutch module
“In dit korte programma leer je hoe je je meer verbonden kan voelen met anderen. In de eerste stap onderzoek je wat je verbonden voelen met anderen voor jou betekent. De tweede stap is gericht op het verminderen van eenzaamheid. In stap drie leer je hoe je om kan gaan met negatieve relaties en hoe je constructief kan communiceren. Stap vier is gericht op positieve relaties en hoe je deze in stand kan houden of nieuw leven kan inblazen.”
– Je verbonden voelen met anderen, Gezonde boel - Dutch module
“Voel je je eenzaam, vind je het lastig om te communiceren of leef je bijvoorbeeld in twee culturen? In dit programma ga je aan je relaties werken.”
– Mijn Sociale omgeving, Gezonde boel - “In general, we know quite well how to say ‘no’ and how to express when we are uncomfortable with something. However, uncertain thoughts sometimes take over and hold us back from doing what we truly want to do deep inside. Thoughts like, ‘what will he/she think of that?’, ‘it is expected of me,’ or ‘I must not disappoint him/her.’ With this program, we guide you on how to deal with these thoughts effectively.”
– Standing Up for yourself, Gezonde boel
MoodLift provides free online programs designed to support students’ mental well-being. These programs are grounded in evidence, developed by clinical psychologists, and feature online coaching.
- “SociaLife offers the most important tools when it comes to improving your relationships and friendships. You can choose from 6 topics, including: Meeting people and making new friends, Deepening existing friendship, Increasing your social self-confidence, Resolving social problems or conflicts and Adapting to a new culture.”
– Social life, Moodlift