Field of Study

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Masters & Minors

During your bachelor, you can choose from a wide variety of minors. Once you have obtained your bachelor’s degree, you may also choose from a wide selection of master’s programmes. This means you will have to figure out what you want to do and which opportunities there are for your ambitions. We know this can be a challenging prospect for students, so we have created a document which will help you navigate through your options. It contains general information which is useful for students of all year layers, as well as some more in-depth information about minors and masters.

In short: 

During the minor in Artificial Intelligence, you will learn the general theoretical background of artificial intelligence, as well as the practical skills to program, design algorithms, and implement machine learning models. You will immediately utilize your knowledge, working with researchers who apply Artificial Intelligence in a range of contexts, from robots and virtual reality to language learning and cognition. After completing the minor, you will be able to translate the knowledge from your primary field of study into Artificial Intelligence solutions.

The content of the minor:

The minor in Artificial Intelligence consists of 3 courses: Introduction to AI, Programming and Algorithmic Thinking, and Elements of Machine Learning. The courses are all worth 6 ECTS, which means that you will receive 18 ECTS in total by following this minor. For Global Management of Social Issues, it is good to be aware that you will have to follow 2 extra courses (from a different minor) in order to complete your minor. 

Some practicalities: 

The minor in Artificial Intelligence is specifically designed for students with limited technical background and will be offered for the first time in the Fall semester of academic year 2022-2023. The minor is part of the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, but it welcomes all Bachelor’s programs at Tilburg University, so also Organization Studies- and Global Management of Social Issues-students. All courses cover a whole semester and they are only offered in the Fall semester.

Want to know more? Watch the 10 minute video presentation by Dr. Peter Hendrix, minor

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In short:

During the minor Economic Psychology you will learn how to use knowledge of economic and psychological reasoning to understand and influence consumer decisions and financial behaviors. During this minor, you will follow 3 courses in which you will learn more about organizational topics, such as economic behavior, decision making related to marketing, and consumer psychology.

3 courses:

The minor in Economic Psychology consists of 3 courses which will take place in the second, third and fourth block. Firstly, you will follow a more general course in which you will investigate the psychological and economic processes underlying individual and social decision-making. Secondly, during the course Attitudes and Advertising, you will focus on the fundamental nature of attitudes and the academic knowledge of this topic will be examined in the context of advertising. Lastly, the course in Consumer Behavior investigates how consumers make their choices and respond to marketing campaigns and government policies.


Master in Economic Psychology:

Next to the minor in Economic Psychology, it is also possible to follow the Master’s track in Economic Psychology. This track is part of the Master’s program of Social Psychology. The master lasts 1 year and consists of 4 courses, an internship or an elective course, and a Master’s thesis. It is only possible to start this Master at the end of August. Furthermore, it is also possible to expand your knowledge and research skills with one of the two double degrees: A Double Degree in Applied Social Sciences and a Double Degree in Cross-Cultural Economic Psychology.  



It is possible to immediately continue from the bachelor Organisation Studies to the master Economic Psychology. To follow this master you must obtain one of the minors ‘Social Psychology’, ‘Economic Psychology’ or ‘Work and Organisational Psychology’ or a combination of courses from these minors with a minimum of 18 ECTS. In addition, instead of 6 basic Psychology courses, only the courses ‘Sociale Psychologie’ and ‘Ontwikkelingsleer’ have to be obtained (or its English versions).

In short:

During the Minor Entrepreneurship you will learn to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that is both valued by existing firms and for yourself, if you want to set up and grow your own business. The courses provide you with insights, knowledge and skills which focus on an unique combination of perspectives on entrepreneurship; from start-ups to large corporations and across different industries.


3 different courses:

During this minor you will follow 3 different courses: Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Creative Entrepreneurship and Introduction to Corporate Entrepreneurship. During these courses you will learn more about Entrepreneurship in different contexts and they challenge you to work on your own business idea, but also deal with large companies which tend to be less innovative and less flexible. The courses are a combination of lectures and tutorials which include guest lectures, but also additional skills training.


Some practicalities:

The Minor Entrepreneurship is part of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management, but it is open to students from all faculties at the University of Tilburg. This means that Organization Studies- and GMSI students are also able to follow the Entrepreneurship minor. The courses all endure a whole semester and it takes place during the first semester of the academic year.

In short:

During the Minor Entrepreneurship you will learn to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that is both valued by existing firms and for yourself, if you want to set up and grow your own business. The courses provide you with insights, knowledge and skills which focus on an unique combination of perspectives on entrepreneurship; from start-ups to large corporations and across different industries.


3 different courses:

During this minor you will follow 3 different courses: Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Creative Entrepreneurship and Introduction to Corporate Entrepreneurship. During these courses you will learn more about Entrepreneurship in different contexts and they challenge you to work on your own business idea, but also deal with large companies which tend to be less innovative and less flexible. The courses are a combination of lectures and tutorials which include guest lectures, but also additional skills training.


Some practicalities:

The Minor Entrepreneurship is part of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management, but it is open to students from all faculties at the University of Tilburg. This means that Organization Studies- and GMSI students are also able to follow the Entrepreneurship minor. The courses all endure a whole semester and it takes place during the first semester of the academic year.

In short:

During the Master’s in Information Management, you will be focusing on the interaction of IT, business, and organizational strategies. This involves information planning, project management, managing change and crisis situations, and keeping up with the latest technology. You will learn how to become the bridge between IT processes, strategic needs and day-to-day operations of the company. The regular Master’s program is a 1-year program worth 60 ECTS which can be started at the end of January, or at the end of August. Also, there are possibilities to follow an advanced Master’s program in Information Management.


The content of the program:

During the Master’s Program, you will be following 4 core courses (worth 24 ECTS), 3 elective courses (worth 18 ECTS) and you will be writing a Master’s thesis (worth 18 ECTS), which can be combined with an internship. Furthermore, it is also possible to follow the course Career Development Information Management. Examples of core/elective courses are: Business Process Integration, Enterprise Architecture as a Business Strategy, Business Analytics and Emerging Trends, Project Management: People and Technology, Smart Business Networks, and Cybersecurity Risk Management.


Advanced programs:

In the first semester of the regular program, you will also get the opportunity to apply for one of the two advanced programs. Firstly, it is possible to follow the Extended Master’s Program, which adds a half-year traineeship to the regular Master’s program. Secondly, it is possible to follow the QTEM network program, which adds an additional year to the program, which you will spend at a QTEM partner university and corporate partner. It will give you the possibility to achieve 2 or 3 Master’s degrees in 1,5 or 2 years, since you will be studying at the University of Turku in Finland (and at the AIX-Marseille University in France) besides studying at Tilburg University. At the website of Tilburg University, you can read more about the Double or Multiple degree options. 



If you have followed the Bachelor Organization Studies or Global Management of Social Issues, it is not possible to get direct access for the Master’s in Information Management. It is possible, however, to get access to a tailor-made individual deficiency program, whereby you will follow several courses during your bachelor’s program which prepare you for the Master’s in Information Management. Furthermore, it is possible to follow a tailor-made Pre-Master’s program which is adapted to your individual learning needs and consists of a maximum of 30 ECTS. Both the deficiency program and the Pre-Master’s program give direct access to the Master’s in Information Management.


Do you want to learn more about this Master’s Program, go to the website of Tilburg University:

In short:

During the Master Strategic Management, you will learn to recognize business challenges and act upon them to ensure long-term success. The program provides you with the sophisticated knowledge and tools needed to make and implement the vital decisions every organization has to make. It offers the ultimate start for your future career in general management, consulting or entrepreneurship.


2 different tracks:

The Master’s program in Strategic Management has 2 starting points during the year, whereby both starting points focus on different tracks. At the end of August, you can start with the Consultancy track of the Master Strategic Management. The Consultancy track specializes in advising larger and smaller firms on various contemporary strategic issues. Furthermore, at the end of January you can start with the Entrepreneurship track of the Master Strategic Management. The Entrepreneurship track specializes in entrepreneurial behavior in large firms and the creation of new business, ensuring long-term survival and success.



If you have followed the Bachelor Organization Studies or Global Management of Social Issues, it is not possible to get direct access for the Master Strategic Management. It is possible to get access to a tailor made individual deficiency program (during the bachelor), or to an academic pre-master. During this deficiency program, you will follow several courses during your bachelor, which prepare you for the Master. Both the deficiency program and the

In short:

During the master Data Science and Society, you will learn to provide solutions for societal challenges with the use of complex data sets. You will study to become a Data Analyst who can combine statistics, programming and knowledge about legal and ethical issues related to data science. During this master, you can specialize in one of the four different tracks: Business, Governance, Media and Health. 

Why this master after your Organization Studies or GMSI bachelor:

After this master, you can combine everything you have learned during your OS- or GMSI-bachelor with the knowledge and technical skills you have learned during your Data Science master. In this way, you will be able to apply Data Science on your Organization Studies/GMSI-background and add value to a team or organization. 


For the master Data Science and Society, you do not (necessarily) have to do the pre-Master Data Science and Society. The Admissions Committee will evaluate your admissibility. It is therefore important that you register before deadlines. The Admissions Committee will determine whether your bachelor’s degree is a sufficient fit to be admitted to the master’s program and for which of the four tracks you are eligible. If necessary, the Committee may make the condition that you first follow the pre-master’s  program.

In short:

During the Research Master in Social and Behavorial Sciences you will expand your knowledge and research skills in the social and behavioural sciences by means of methodological and statistical insights. You will study the central theme “Individuals in social contexts” based on one of the four specialized tracks (e.g. Organization Studies track). The research master prepares you for a career both in- and outside the academic field. You will get trained to successfully enter and finish a PhD Program, and you will be qualified for high-level (research) positions.


The content of the program:

The Research Master is a 2 year program in which you can specialize in one of the four tracks: Organization Studies, Social Psychology, Sociology, and Methods and Statistics. The research master consists of 13 core courses, 3 track courses, 4 in-house internships, an international internship, a first year paper and a Master’s thesis. The core courses are relevant for all tracks and include courses which focus on methodological and statistical skills, but also on the foundations of all tracks.


Some practicalities:

The Research Master is a two year program of 120 ECTS. Within the program you will get a lot of freedom to personalize your own educational experience which can adapt to your personal interest and learning goals. Furthermore, the program offers small-scale and interactive education, whereby there is a lot of attention for individual guidance.


Application for this program:  

To be applicable for this Research Master, you need to fit to the following requirements:

  • You have successfully completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s program in a relevant discipline. For students of the OS department, this means that they are applicable for the Organization Studies track in the Research Master.
  • You have obtained an average score of 7.5 (75%) for the courses in the second- and third-year of a Bachelor’s program or an equivalent score in the Master’s program.
  • You can show your motivation, skills and talent for scientific research by handing in a motivation letter.
  • You can prove that you are at the right English-level by doing an English proficiency test. For students who have followed a full English Program (e.g. GMSI and OS Master) it is not required to succeed in an English Proficiency test. Further details can be found at the website of Tilburg University.

If you did not obtain a diploma in the Netherlands, a different procedure will be applied. You can find this procedure at the website of Tilburg University.


If you want to learn more about this Research Master’s program, the website of Tilburg University gives a lot of information which can be interesting to read.

Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Tilburg school of Social and Behavioral sciences (TSB) is one of the faculties of Tilburg University. TSB has 6 bachelor- and 8 master programs. For example, Psychology, Human resource studies and sociology. A key point of this faculty is the improvement of collaboration and team spirit. Together with the study associations the faculty tries to achieve this key point.

COMPLEX (Psychology), Versot (Sociology), INPUT (Human Resource Studies) and POLIS (Organization & Management Studies and Global Management of Social Issues) are the four study associations. They focus on professional and personal development.

All these associations organize activities for their own study, but there are also some activities organised for all the students of TSB. This is in collaboration with the faculty association IDEA and the boards of the four study associations. By working together TSB tries to reach more students and more external parties.

The associations work together in different committees. There are committees where they learn from each other’s way of work, for example the acquisition committee. But there is also a committee that organises an informal activity for all the students of TSB, the BEHAVE. There will also be a career oriented event organised in collaboration with the board of the Social Sciences Career Event. During this event there will be several activities, workshops, company presentations and a network drink. Shortly, the committees of TSB try to improve the collaboration between the associations and the team spirit.

Do you want to give feedback about TSB? You can fill in this feedback form provided by Student Party Stimulus.