Faculty Association IDEA is the umbrella association for all students of Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. IDEA is home to 4500+ students and the linking pin between students of Psychology, ‘Human Resource Management’, Sociology, ‘Organization & Management Studies’ and ‘Global Management of Social Issues’.
Since the school year of 2024-2025 the IDEA board has changed the compilation of the board. IDEA consists now of 1 independent chairman, and the chairmen of the four TSB associations (POLIS, Complex, INPUT & Versot). You can apply as the independent chairman of IDEA.
As independent chairman of IDEA you are responsible of:
Chairing the IDEA board meetings
Attending Tigeak meetings (umbrella association of all associations of TiU)
Overseeing all tasks
Mentorship program of TOP Week and TSB
Chairing TSB wide workgroups:
TSB Platform
Activity Workgroup
Internationalisation Workgroup
Other affairs
Yearly planning
Looking for possibilities and opportunities
Setting up new initiatives (for example mental health awareness)
Being the point of contact for questions
Knowing what is happening within TSB
What do you get:
Get to meet a lot of new people
Develop yourself & get to know your qualities
A lot of fun activities, drinks with boards and study association’s events
New experiences
Boost your resume
Financial compensation.
Study Association POLIS
Warandelaan 2
5037 AB, Tilburg
TIAS building
T6.20 & T6.21
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday
12:30 – 17:00