Working after the extended OS masters by Koen Hol

Working after the extended OS masters

Name: Koen Hol

Alumnus since: 2020

Current job: Scrum Master at ASML Development & Engineering

Studies: Organization Studies (bachelor & extended master)

How did you experience your student time?

Fun, crazy, hectical. I think those words describe it best. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs throughout my student time. Going from crazy parties, to awful grades and lots of resits. Nonetheless, I think the people in Tilburg have helped me to have a great time full of great memories and learnings.

How did you find a job after your masters?

I was a participant in the OS extended master program. During this master I became a trainee at ASML, and had some amazing coaching through which I’ve built a great network and also have developed myself a lot professionally. Through this network I have, in the end, also received a job offer at ASML.

How is working in the OS work field?

To be honest, I think the OS field is so broad, that you could do a lot of different types of jobs with this background. This is what I also recognize in daily life. There are so many topics I’ve become passionate about, that every day exists of new challenges, different types of topics and different people you interact with. Whether you act on a team level, a department level or an organizational level, OS will be a great basis to cope with the diversity of topics that you will encounter in life.

This was written by Koen Hoi