TSB Student Assessor
Hi all,
My name is Laurens Maas and at the moment of writing, I just finished my bachelor’s in Organization Studies. During my studies I’ve been an active student in multiple ways, differing from POLIS committees and several board years to my current position as student assessor in the TSB management team. As most of you are unfamiliar with this position(as was I before I got to know the school better) I will elaborate on how I ended up here and how I experienced the past year.
During my studies, I always tried to help students in multiple ways and after my POLIS board year, I noticed that I wanted to help and represent students on a more serious level than what I was used to.That’s why I decided to apply for the student assessor position in our school(at Tilburg University every faculty/school has one management team, and eachMT holds one student assessor).
My main tasks consist of helping and representing the TSB student body (associations and parties) on a more profound level. This entails that all relevant subjects that we discuss within the management team are shared with the relevant student organizations and so I try to gather their feedback to discuss this in the MT again, and vice versa. Besides that, I’m responsible to voice any concerns that the associations might have, that we can solve at the faculty level of the university. A great aspect of this function was the flexibility. Besides the weekly fixed meetings, you are free to divide your workload over the week.
Besides gaining lots and lots of experience and insights into how a big organization like the university is managed on a day-to-day basis, I really enjoyed the function as well. You get to meet new people that challenge your thoughts in ways that you don’t get taught during courses. For instance, you get to meet several times with the university’s executive board and you go into a discussion on several topics with professors that you usually only see at lectures.
My previous experience at POLIS committees and board years really was a great run-up to help me fulfil this function and for anyone looking to take the next step in their student career, I would highly recommend a year as the TSB student assessor.
This was written by Laurens Maas