Internship @ Solvid Ondernemen
Hi everyone!
The board asked me to share my experiences as an intern with you, which I am of course happy to do.
Together with Integrand I started my search for an internship that fits my wishes. After obtaining my bachelor’s degree last year, I started my internship at a small company in Tilburg, called Solvid Ondernemen. I am still really happy with my choice, because at Solvid they treat me like a valuable and fully-fledged team member which I believe is crucial in order to learn and develop as a person.
I wanted to explore the possibilities of various working places where I could end up after my study and experience what working life feels like. Now I know, I am happy I can still go back to university ;).
Despite the fact that I really needed to get used to the working life, I am really glad I made this choice. Not only did I already learned a lot of different skills and new knowledge by operating in a company, I also gained a better picture of what my future will look like. These are only some reasons why I would recommend to do an internship.
This was written by Bente van Hattem