Meet our


I’d like to introduce the amazing Yearbook Committee of this year! We will create the most legendary yearbook in the history of POLIS! There will always be one of us at every event to make sure we can write the best yearbook ever! 


Starting with our Chief of Drinks, we have Anique! She is our youngest member and just started her POLIS career. Even though she’s just beginning, we are sure she will organize some of the most legendary borrels! So if you are interested in having a drink with our lovely committee, do not hesitate to contact her!


Next up, our one and only globetrotter, Gerben! He is known for his drunk late night adventures, enthusiastic spirit and nice ass, so he will be the perfect Chief of Baco. Even though he is currently living in the capital of Italy, he always makes sure he puts in the hours. He will return to the Netherlands at the end of January so everyone will be able to meet this living POLIS legend again!


Senior POLIS member Isa is our Sustainability Officer this year! Even though she flew to a big city in Italy for a few days to visit a friend, she takes her role very seriously. Isa is the definition of a ‘busy bee’. She’s always busy with her board year, hockey and other student-like activities. However, if you invite her for a drink she will almost certainly find an empty spot in her agenda!


Another first year gem in our committee is Merel! She will be the Treasurer and Vice-Chairwoman this year. She desperately wanted to be Vice-Chairwoman because she wanted to try a ‘Jezus voor de Praeses’, so don’t hesitate to ask her to do one!
Next to breathing, her top priority is to row at V*dar. But whenever she is not sitting in a boat, she is contributing greatly to our committee!


Next up is “Praeses” Tom! He is our Secretary this year but gets called Praeses because he is the chairman of a different association as well. As we say in the Netherlands, Tom is “not op z’n mondje gevallen”. His assertive character makes him a great asset for our committee. Also, if you ever want to know all the juicy stories about POLIS, Tom is your guy!


The Coordinator and backbone of Yearbook is the mighty Cerino! With his calm, collected and rational personality, he truly is a guy that is impossible to hate. His ability to talk to everyone with ease makes our committee a well oiled machine. Partly thanks to him, this will be one of the most fun Yearbook committees of POLIS ever!


And lastly, my name is Frens and I’m this year’s Chairman of Yearbook! I’m thrilled with the group we have this year! Since we have a lot of different personalities within our committee, I think we will be able to create a yearbook that POLIS will not forget anytime soon!