Meet our


I’d like to introduce the amazing Yearbook Committee of this year! We will be writing the yearbook and the informal newsletters this year as well as co-hosting the New Years drinks with BaCo. There will always be one of us at every event to make sure we can write the best yearbook ever! 

Let’s start with the most chaotic Secretary of POLIS, Amber T. Her minutes are so detailed that the intermezzos are included as well so if someone can’t make it to the meeting they know absolutely everything that was discussed. This does make it difficult to find the hidden word though… 

Moving on to our amazing Chief of Drinks Floortje. She has already proven how qualified she is for this role by organizing a quadruple borrel! Floortje clearly likes to keep busy as she is doing a board year at Active TSB, is part of Vidar and is (obviously) active at POLIS. Even with all this going on, she is still able to put in the work for our committee as well! 

Next up is Si-Zhen, always up for a (BaCo) challenge and never afraid to take on tasks. She will be designing our logo and I can’t wait to show it off (when the theme is revealed). I don’t think we’ll be seeing her in the infamous “Ik heb me niet goed ingezet voor mijn commissie” shirt. 

Of course we can’t forget our Coordinator Stanley. He is the most chaotic member of the committee (which is saying something). Stanley is obviously always in for a beer and a good intermezzo during the meeting. His most used line is “I’ll have to discuss that with the board”. 

Lastly I’ll introduce myself, I’m Nienke and I have the honor of chairing this amazingly fun committee this year. Keep an eye out for the newsletters throughout the year and the yearbook at the end of the year. I am sure that the finished yearbook will blow you away!