The first member I would like to introduce is our Secretary Jord. With playing hockey, tennis, and a football and ski-instructor history he is a very sporty guy, but he still hasn’t managed to beat me in a game of tennis (your time will come Jord). He is chairman of the Memberweekend committee and chairman of the SCT as well, and as we should believe him he played out the whole association so he is a very busy guy. All jokes aside, with his commitment and enthusiasm I am very happy to have him in my committee.
Then we have Jasper, our lovely Chief of Drinks. Although he is one of the oldest of the committee, this is his first year within POLIS. When he is not busy planning drinks, he also likes to play football and do something with ropes, right Jasper? He might sometimes look a bit sad and therefore is better known as Zielepiet, but luckily he is a very funny guy and adds great energy to this committee.
Our Treasurer is our Wolkentijger Ties. Ties has been a member of the association for years, but has become more active this year. We see him way more often dancing on the dance floor of the Boeka and he has become the Chairman of the ProfCom. Let’s say Ties is not the best in coming on time but then he is probably at the gym, playing volleyball or going for a swim. When he finally arrives (if he did not forget the meeting or planning he made), you can always laugh with Ties and he always has very creative ideas.
Next up is our yapper and Chief of BaCo Lissa. She always has a nice or funny story to tell and finds it difficult to be silent, but we all love that about her. Taking the task of Chief of BaCo really suited her, as she is really competitive and pushes us to victory. You can find her a lot at Vidar, even though she stopped rowing. When she introduced herself she told us that running and drinking are her sports now and that’s exactly the spirit we love within the SportsCom!
Moving on to the one and only PR Sem. Sem liked the SportsCom so much that she decided to do this committee another time. She plays hockey, so you would have thought she is a real team player. But unfortunately she leaves us, because she is going to France in the second half of the year. Due to all her knowledge and experience within POLIS she is still a great addition to this committee.
Joy is our second first-year POLIS member and she has the honor to be the Chief of Sustainability this year. To take on the challenge of the SportsCom she came to Tilburg all the way from the Achterhoek (fun fact: from where the Johma factory is located). When she is not studying or dancing in the club, you can find her in the gym. She brings a bit of peace within this sometimes chaotic committee, which I am very happy with.
This group really needed a Sjefke, so let me introduce our coordinator Jans. Last year (and still sometimes at our drinks) I have seen that she takes drinking as a real sport, but luckily she has become a very responsible girl during the POLIS events. When she is not working on anything POLIS related, she plays hockey, goes for a run or sometimes plays tennis. She has the task to keep this group together and as long as she does not talk too much during the meetings, she does an amazing job and will do everything for us.
And then there is me, Milou. You could say drinking is not my best sport anymore and I have had my prime time. And although I am a bit of a ‘Brokkenpiloot’, playing tennis and chairing the SportsCom suit me better. I am very happy with all my committee members and I am sure we will organize some very fun events for you guys!